Added on by John Sturr.

The juxtoposition of the near subject with the comotion of the far and what Sam Abell would call "Micro Composition" all came together on a whim/chance this last weekend.

The 50mm at f5.6 to keep the majority of the face sharp and I got low and close to keep everything a bit different and interesting.

Emmy's arm coming across the frame and the look of dis-interest as her sister in the background does some kind of flip, makes this shot, for me, the winner of the weekend.


Added on by John Sturr.

I'm not too big on sunsets and walks on the beach and puffly clouds.   I mispoke, I do like walks on the beach - especially on those of Pentwater Michigan, Lake Michigan shoreline -- Google it... but I digress.

Rangers of a differnt era invited me to South Ogden and over the perch looking West gave a clear view - and of course I had to shoot it.

85mm f1.4 af-d - and processed with "Kodak Ektachrome 100VS -X-Pro Curve" in LightRoom.  As I've said before -- the x-equals presets are amazing.  Everything they do is a labor of love as their prices should be double.


Added on by John Sturr.

Aboout once a year, off the porch, the sun hits a leaf or a flower and I'm able to grab my grear
for about 5 minutes of shooting.

White headlights in the background add some tension.

The golden rays of the Sun started it all.


Added on by John Sturr.

11,400 ASA - @f4.0 with the 85mm f1.4 D

Results like this always suprise me - and sometimes I forget the ability of this piece.


Added on by John Sturr.


I was fortunate enought to get "back-stage" to the installation of the Angel Moroni at the job site of the Brigham City Temple. FFKR is the project Architect and Big-D Construction is the General Contractor.

My day job as a draftsman at FFKR Architects affords me certain access to projects.

This isn't meant to be an advertisment, just some backstory into why I was at this event and allowed better than public access.

The event drew a crowd and of course I took my gear.  I mostly used the 80-200mm with a smattering of 17-35mm.  And the technical challenges were absent - other than the rain which moved in for a few hours.

On a side note - I complain about the price of Nikon's lenses upon puchase, because I'm sensitive to how much stuff costs - but upon use and viewing the final images I'm always really, really blown away and happy I made the economic sacrifice. 

If I can emphasise anything to a new and up-and-coming creative - buy the pro lenses - they will catapult you to a different level. 

And the only thing people see -- are your images, and nothing else.


Added on by John Sturr.

The trip was one of the best - a reunion of 5 brothers and two wonderful parents, and I chose the cookies instead of the pretzels.


Added on by John Sturr.

Plane ticket to Michigan $350, Bag full of lenses $5000, Nikon D3s with forgotten battery on battery charger in Utah - worthless.

I guess it happens to the best of us - sooner or later and times like these remind me I'm human, but what a pain in the ass it can be - as I pulled my gear out of my carry on bag at my parent's and my heart sank as nooooooo....

There's no battery... For the love.

I Made some calls - brother in GR picked up a BL-4 battery cover and I'm going to scalp a battery from a shelved D2h - all is ok.

Pretzels ?? Really...

Added on by John Sturr.

The pretzels on Delta flights are getting smaller -- yet -- there is a food stylist/designer some where smitten with the final result.


Added on by John Sturr.

Family events are always difficult - as sometimes it's difficlult to get interesting viewpoints.  And sometimes that's like pulling teeth.  I decided to get a bit lower with the 50mm opened up wide and force something.

And the result turned out really well - I think this could even make a magazine product shot.  I particullary like the pose of "R" looking to the left in the back -- really nice.

Also -- note the video -- there are some who say 720p is not true video - I disagree - it's just fine.


Added on by John Sturr.

Summertime -- ain't it great -- until Aunt Jen gets the double barrell SuperSoaker and unleashes the fury on poor Levi.  Don't poke the bear....

From a distance - 80-200mm AF-s f2.8 with 3d focus tracking


Added on by John Sturr.

A glimpse thru the screen door -- setting sun to the west and golden rays on the new Coke billboard at the intersection of 1300 E 700 S.

D3s - 85mm f1.4 AF-d @ f4.0


Added on by John Sturr.

Every once in a while it's fun to get outside the box.  Driving to New Mexico to a wedding on a long stretch of Highway, the dashboard of a Chevy Impala and a D80.  Now what ??  Slap it up there -- set the timer, crank it to f8.0 to get it in focus and hope for the best.

Looking for the Train

Added on by John Sturr.

Earlier this Spring - out looking for as much interesting street subject as possible.  Although SLC is big - it's actually quite small.

This was a grab shot - as most street is, and I re-descovered it in my photo library.


Added on by John Sturr.

I wanted to get out a bit earlier - yet I take what I can get.  Just as before - more 3D focus tracking but with better composition.  Bike meets car - almost perfect as it could be just a bit sharper in focus.  Although this lens is really performing - be it 10 year old technology built for, I beleive the F5 - it may be a bit long in the tooth for this type of work.

80-200 f2.8 af-s @ 1/200 - Shutter Priority


Added on by John Sturr.

Yesterday I wanted to finally figure out the 3D focus tracking on the D3s.  Since the D2h I've been using the single point with continuous servo - emphasis on "single point".

So last night I sat on the front street steps with the manual and got to it - as traffic would pass I chose my subjects.  First a truck - some cars and then two Long Borders rode against traffic to the South - and the 3D tracking is a game changer.

The focus point jumps around and moves with the subject as you track - whoa!!  I'm embarrassed I haven't been using this before.

Single point or 3D is easily available with the flip of a switch on the back of the camera.  So I can easily switch between the two.

The point of all this - every once in a while break out the manual and learn more skills of your craft.


Added on by John Sturr.

Ani DiFranco played to a dedicated crowd braving the off and on rain and cooler than normal temperatures Sunday night at Red Butte Gardens.

Although I was a bit unfamiliar with her set, a mix of old and new, describing her own work, she exhibited familiar riffs and that un-mistakable command of guitar.

Some technical difficulties with her speaker monitors caused her to apologize to the crowd - yet she never seemed to miss a chord and I heard no foul.

The music was excellent - classic DiFranco - the crowd subduded - and the weather held off for all to enjoy.



Added on by John Sturr.

A site visit of the Brigham City Temple with a view from the lower stair.  

No decent camera but Iphone-4 in hand processed with PictureShow.