Filtering by Tag: White

Jackson Hole Wyoming

Added on by John Sturr.

A grab shot - as most of mine are - from 2020 Aug, of my in-laws prepping their gear for the walk to the river. I can’t remember if this was the Rollei or the Yashica - but for some reason I’m thinking it was the Yashica 124G as it’s a bit easier to travel with. We were on the edge of the Teton National Park.

Developed by “theFindLab” - which is really rare for me as I’ve developed my own. But — the rolls really started to pile up and I used the quick but pay thru the nose option.

This was the same week of which my Mother in-law was bucked off of a horse and broke 13 ribs. She’s lucky to have survived - but - that’s a whole other story.

Washington Coast

Added on by John Sturr.

Fuji Acros 100

Shot on the Washington Beach - I'm not one for centering the frame, but in this case everything fit to where there was no other option.

No crop - shot with the Rollei 6008i of which is an amazing result when you get it right upon capture.

Fuji Across 100 in a Stand with Rodinal @5% with a 60 minute burn. Scanned on a Nikon LS-8000 legacy scanner at 4000 dpi.

No people here - which is a bit unusual were this beach attracts quite the people crowd.


get Great Glass - i.e. (Lenses)

Added on by John Sturr.

Every once in a while I get reminded that great glass is not only a gift but it's a necessity. It's a necessity in order to separate you from everyone else - it's a necessity to give your images the power of a compelling view. Get great lenses - even if it's just one - get one - and shoot that system like you are going to die tomorrow.

Fuji Acros 100 - Nikon F100 - 50mm f1.4 - Stand developed in 5% Rodinal @ 60minutes - developed and scanned in house.


last Summer - with M and Violet

Added on by John Sturr.

This was a grab shot - as most of my images are - M and Violet. One of the last of Violet as we put her down on July 1. Her diabetes got the best of her for the last year - yep - 12 months of shots twice a day. She was a Maine Coon and was an amazing animal we had for 10 years.

Shot with the Rollei 6008i on Fuji Acros 100 - self developed and scanned.

a Favorite

Added on by John Sturr.

Here is a favorite of late - shot this summer on Fuji Acros 100 in downtown Salt Lake City - and upon development and scanning this image really impressed me.  It as minimalist and intense all at the same time.  I'm happy with it for the whole workflow which entailed to make it this far - the even of capture, the development, the scan and the upload.  As I said in the blog post before this - when it all comes together the experience is without peer.

Fuji Acros 100 - self developed and scanned - Salt Lake City, Utah.

a Sense of Order

Added on by John Sturr.

Whenever I'm looking I trie to See.  I try to build the frame in my mind and that is hit or miss and sometimes it comes easily and sometimes not at all.  Sometimes it's the weather, the mood, my mood, the people I'm with, or the needs of the dog when I'm walking her -- yadda, yadda, yadda..

Ok -- so you get the point -- sometimes it happens, and sometimes it just doesn't... no matter how hard you try.

But -- there are times when a scene just grabs you -- and that's when I have to get the shot.  And during those times if I don't get the shot then I become obsessed and really bummed I didn't make the image.

So -- here's what I'm getting at -- while walking the dog with my wife this scene caught my eye and I took it hand held on the Nikon F100 with 400 ASA Ilford.  And -- I love this image.  The whole lesson here is while your looking try to see - try to see the superimposed frame in front of you - and sometimes that comes easily, and some times - it just doesn't.

Nikon F100, Ilford Delta 400

the Scene

Added on by John Sturr.

I'm always trying to see thru the ordinary and capture something which will look good as a photo.  Something which sparks an interesting thought or glance to want to see more.  Getting all of this to work - is really quite a task to accomplish.  Black and White can add something - as would color if the scene is met.  But when it does become evident and the picture does become - it can be magical.

Fuji Acros 100 - Stand development in Rodinal

Fuji Acros - 100 iso

Added on by John Sturr.

I've recently discovered this Acros Fuji stock -- and OMG -- it's of my favorite now.  I wish Fuji still made the 400iso as it only comes in 100 stock.  Image was taken on the overlook at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  The weather was cold and crazy windy for a day in September.  But - it all worked out just fine.

Rollei 6008i - 80mm f2.8 

Rocky Mtn National Park - Acros 100