Filtering by Tag: Pan

NW Maui

Added on by John Sturr.

A paradise in and of itself -- let alone when you are carrying a camera.  Taken from the beach of the house we were fortunate to be renting for the week.  Can't wait to go back.  This is Ilford Pan-F 50.  I'm not a big fan as the sharpness seems a bit lacking - It was a an experiment of sorts - I'm now sticking to Ilford's Delta series.  Either 100 or 400.

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

Holgamods 612 Pan

Added on by John Sturr.


I’ve been off the net for a while.  Last weekend, always an emotional event (see my March 28th post, been there done that), and i picked up a new camera and that had my attention also.  

Since shooting film I’ve been fascinated with going with a bigger negative.  But - with that comes economies of scale and I haven’t wanted to quite approach that subject.  Instead I decided to pursue staying with 120 - and that means going wider.

Enter the Holga Holgamod 612 Pan.  Developed by Randy Smith of - he takes a HolgaPan and mounts a large format 90mm f6.8 lens and all you have a stunning capable panoramic camera shooting a 6cm x 12cm negative.  

Here’s a test image - on Ilford HP5+ @f32 - and a video I put together of the camera.

Maui Palms

Added on by John Sturr.

More Maui - not too bore, but I just can't look away; fair warning as more will be coming.  

The Yashica is a joy to use and learn from.  This is Ilford's Pan f - 50 ASA.  It's hard for me to compare but I would like to compare Delta 100 or a TMax and see the results.

YashicaMat 124G - Ilford 50 Pan f