Filtering by Tag: MF

the Flowers - StandDev

Added on by John Sturr.

I have about 20 rolls of film to process and this last weekend I started to dig in - and the fruits of the labor always reignites the spark to keep on - keeping on…

Shot on the Rollei 6008i - and I realize why I keep using this wonderful beast of a camera - in FuijiFilms’s Acros 100 in a Rodinal Stand @ 5% for 60 minutes. Ok — that was a mouthful if you even care that much - it’s good to care though as it provides context to the craft. The Acros 100 is the first generation.

Oh — and scanned on a legacy Nikon LS-8000 @ 4000dpi - totally native mind you … Boom…. double Boom.


RMNP - atop looking down

Added on by John Sturr.

This last September, on a trip to Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park I was able to grab this shot when we stopped for a quick viewing.  

This image was captured really well -- and with film that is always a bit of a trick.  And - if the image is captured well, there is no guarantee that the development will do it justice.  The image capture, and home development, and scanning turned out just as envisioned.  And this path - is the beauty of film, and the process of film, and the unexpected nature of film.

Rollei 6008i

The bridge

Added on by John Sturr.

I’m back on 120 film with this image.  Shot in December at the University of Utah bridge.  I didn’t take notes of what I shot it with but I would bet it was the Yashicamat 124G.  

Only recently have I had the battery re-built on the Rollei 6008 - so I’ll be posting what I’ve shot with that much more in the future.  That Rollei is a gem now !

University of Utah - 2015

University of Utah - 2015

Make it so.

Added on by John Sturr.

There is a difference between Digital and Film.  

  • Digital is freeing - liberating - no development cost - easy - instant - shoot all you want - all you can eat.
  • Film is constraining - concerning - costs more - unknown - difficult - non instant - takes  chemicals

Both aspects have their plusses - but man - the digital side sounds like Crack Cocaine - I'm being facetious of course.  Don't do drugs.

If you are shooting film - I’ll let you decide why you do it - as based upon what I just outlined, well; I make it sound like film is dead:  Hardly.

YashicaMat124G - Kodak Portra

Here’s what I’m getting at — this whole film thing is constraining me from shooting.   I feel like I need have to have some kind of special image to shoot - like waiting for the Queen of England to walk by the house or something.  I’m on the porch waiting; right now — as I type this…. just kidding, no really - I am !  

Ok -- never mind - I just missed the shot.

So my goal these last few months of Summer - is to burn some frames — go hog wild on the mundane - the simple;  Cracks on the concrete - street signs at head level - the sky - Lola the Bulldog letting one rip - a blurred selfie.

I need to shoot 1 frame a day.  Make it so.

NW Maui

Added on by John Sturr.

A paradise in and of itself -- let alone when you are carrying a camera.  Taken from the beach of the house we were fortunate to be renting for the week.  Can't wait to go back.  This is Ilford Pan-F 50.  I'm not a big fan as the sharpness seems a bit lacking - It was a an experiment of sorts - I'm now sticking to Ilford's Delta series.  Either 100 or 400.

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

Back to the roots.

Added on by John Sturr.

Months ago - testing the nature of film and how it works against architecture.  Film is so foreign - its like putting on blinders and walking out side.  Digital allows you to confirm the capture - film says, "screw you" -- I'll give it up when I want too.  And that's the truth.  

For a paying gig - well - that's a bit unnerving.

This is at the University of Utah.  When the light is right - there are some striking areas to shoot.

YashicaMat124G - Fuji 400H

Maui Palms

Added on by John Sturr.

More Maui - not too bore, but I just can't look away; fair warning as more will be coming.  

The Yashica is a joy to use and learn from.  This is Ilford's Pan f - 50 ASA.  It's hard for me to compare but I would like to compare Delta 100 or a TMax and see the results.

YashicaMat 124G - Ilford 50 Pan f