Filtering by Tag: Ilford

a Sense of Order

Added on by John Sturr.

Whenever I'm looking I trie to See.  I try to build the frame in my mind and that is hit or miss and sometimes it comes easily and sometimes not at all.  Sometimes it's the weather, the mood, my mood, the people I'm with, or the needs of the dog when I'm walking her -- yadda, yadda, yadda..

Ok -- so you get the point -- sometimes it happens, and sometimes it just doesn't... no matter how hard you try.

But -- there are times when a scene just grabs you -- and that's when I have to get the shot.  And during those times if I don't get the shot then I become obsessed and really bummed I didn't make the image.

So -- here's what I'm getting at -- while walking the dog with my wife this scene caught my eye and I took it hand held on the Nikon F100 with 400 ASA Ilford.  And -- I love this image.  The whole lesson here is while your looking try to see - try to see the superimposed frame in front of you - and sometimes that comes easily, and some times - it just doesn't.

Nikon F100, Ilford Delta 400

Hold the Line !

Added on by John Sturr.

"Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.

Hold the line!

Stay with me!

If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you’re already dead!"

Nikon F100 - Salt Lake City - Summer 2016

Over a Month -- yikes

Added on by John Sturr.

It's been too long - I'll be working on that for the future.  I will say that I get delayed from posting as I copyright all images now.  So there is a 3-4 month delay after the photo is taken before I have a group to register etc.  And after the image is registered, then I can post.  Ugh --- I know... but that's the process.  Ok -- onward.

This image was taken with the newly repaired Rollei 6008i on Ilford Delta 400.  Home processed and scanned - and the scan is excellent.  The negative processed very flat and as always the flatter the better during the scan.  

I really like this image and may print it 24"x24".

No crop.

the Bulldogs

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot in April on the Rollei 6008i before I sent it in for repair.  It arrives home on Wednesday;  I can't wait -- but I digress.  These two dogs are sisters -- Lola and Penelope.  We have the Lola and she's a barrel of fun, and Penelope is with my sister in-law.

Developed and scanned in-house.

Back Alley

Added on by John Sturr.

I take the camera with me everywhere.  And it's nice my Wife is understanding and keeps a good attitude as it usually means an extra piece of luggage or bag I have to carry.  This day was like no other - I had the camera, and as I drove into the parking garage to the UPS Store - this appeared.

Shot on the Nikon F100 with Ilford HP5+.

The bridge

Added on by John Sturr.

I’m back on 120 film with this image.  Shot in December at the University of Utah bridge.  I didn’t take notes of what I shot it with but I would bet it was the Yashicamat 124G.  

Only recently have I had the battery re-built on the Rollei 6008 - so I’ll be posting what I’ve shot with that much more in the future.  That Rollei is a gem now !

University of Utah - 2015

University of Utah - 2015

The big Negative

Added on by John Sturr.

I run a constant battle between which format of film I shoot or choose to shoot.  

I really like the big negative which is why I really love the 120 format, aka, Medium Format - or if you are really old skool you may call it 2-1/4.  2-1/4” which is the square format of the negative in inches.

But — I also have my Nikno F100 body in 35mm.  Scanning the 35mm is super easy- and I love that.  And the body is easy to carry around from place to place — and I have many lenses to choose from.

Nikon F100 - Ilford HP5+ - Home developed and scanned - SLC Utah

Nikon F100 - Ilford HP5+ - Home developed and scanned - SLC Utah

Dinner with the Woods

Added on by John Sturr.

This was an unpredictable roll -- some frames just didn't turn out well.  The advantage of the hybrid / digital workflow offers powerful corrective actions in post.  I have no idea how that was completed to satisfaction back in the day.  

You were defined by those who completed your wet process edits.

Alligator Lake - High Uintas Utah

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+