All corrections were in ViewNX and the color profile was a factory Vivid or Portrait with a boost in contrast - Sharpening is a bit powerful in ViewNX so I keep the slider at 2-4 depending on what the image can absorb and rarely do I go past 5.
It’s kindof a pain - but that’s the work flow.
The more I look at these the more I love them - the framing, the subject, the colors - not trying to toot my own horn here - but it’s taken me years to be able to view my own work and consider it viable as decent and something to share. I maybe print one or two of these 13x19 on aluminum.
I guess the lesson learned here is being able to force the capture of the photo. I had no intention of taking pics of chickens that day — none. But I had the gear - and some how - I came away with some interesting images.