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Make it so.

Added on by John Sturr.

There is a difference between Digital and Film.  

  • Digital is freeing - liberating - no development cost - easy - instant - shoot all you want - all you can eat.
  • Film is constraining - concerning - costs more - unknown - difficult - non instant - takes  chemicals

Both aspects have their plusses - but man - the digital side sounds like Crack Cocaine - I'm being facetious of course.  Don't do drugs.

If you are shooting film - I’ll let you decide why you do it - as based upon what I just outlined, well; I make it sound like film is dead:  Hardly.

YashicaMat124G - Kodak Portra

Here’s what I’m getting at — this whole film thing is constraining me from shooting.   I feel like I need have to have some kind of special image to shoot - like waiting for the Queen of England to walk by the house or something.  I’m on the porch waiting; right now — as I type this…. just kidding, no really - I am !  

Ok -- never mind - I just missed the shot.

So my goal these last few months of Summer - is to burn some frames — go hog wild on the mundane - the simple;  Cracks on the concrete - street signs at head level - the sky - Lola the Bulldog letting one rip - a blurred selfie.

I need to shoot 1 frame a day.  Make it so.

NW Maui

Added on by John Sturr.

A paradise in and of itself -- let alone when you are carrying a camera.  Taken from the beach of the house we were fortunate to be renting for the week.  Can't wait to go back.  This is Ilford Pan-F 50.  I'm not a big fan as the sharpness seems a bit lacking - It was a an experiment of sorts - I'm now sticking to Ilford's Delta series.  Either 100 or 400.

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

Back to the roots.

Added on by John Sturr.

Months ago - testing the nature of film and how it works against architecture.  Film is so foreign - its like putting on blinders and walking out side.  Digital allows you to confirm the capture - film says, "screw you" -- I'll give it up when I want too.  And that's the truth.  

For a paying gig - well - that's a bit unnerving.

This is at the University of Utah.  When the light is right - there are some striking areas to shoot.

YashicaMat124G - Fuji 400H

Maui Palms

Added on by John Sturr.

More Maui - not too bore, but I just can't look away; fair warning as more will be coming.  

The Yashica is a joy to use and learn from.  This is Ilford's Pan f - 50 ASA.  It's hard for me to compare but I would like to compare Delta 100 or a TMax and see the results.

YashicaMat 124G - Ilford 50 Pan f