What happens when a tilt-shift isn't available ?? Get yourself a big Cherry Picker and make it happen.
I documented the aftermath from the December 2010 LDS Provo Tabernacle, Provo Utah, fire in January.
Part of the plan was to have all views as square in the frame as possible including closeups of the damaged window openings, including an overall of the East Side. This was only possible with the use of what I call a "cherry picker", but would be more appropriately called a "Lift". It was operated by the on site construction personnel while I captured the images.
After suiting up in a safety harness, hardhat and vest, and hooking into the bucket this image was captured about 1/2 way up the facade and elevated above the edge of the right-of-way below, just over the curb.
Same drill as with most Architectural subjects - the focal plane is square to the subject and the frame is elevated as necessary - in this case with a Lift.
Tamron 17-35mm f2.8-4.0 with a D3s - this is my grab and go lens and since this job was more of a document and let's decide where this is going to go, I had some flexibility for gear choices.
FFKR Architects, is leading the restoration study.