
Jackson Hole Wyoming

Added on by John Sturr.

A grab shot - as most of mine are - from 2020 Aug, of my in-laws prepping their gear for the walk to the river. I can’t remember if this was the Rollei or the Yashica - but for some reason I’m thinking it was the Yashica 124G as it’s a bit easier to travel with. We were on the edge of the Teton National Park.

Developed by “theFindLab” - which is really rare for me as I’ve developed my own. But — the rolls really started to pile up and I used the quick but pay thru the nose option.

This was the same week of which my Mother in-law was bucked off of a horse and broke 13 ribs. She’s lucky to have survived - but - that’s a whole other story.


SLC Capitol Interior

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot quite a few years ago -- Salt Lake City Capitol during a Saturday when there was no crowd. The lighting is amazing in this space. I noticed that the emulsion is damaged - either thru the scan or it was degrading upon the process of development - I don't really know which.

This was an interesting find as I was just moving to a new Mac and was browsing the photo library. It's funny how and image of which you didn't think anything of -- now -- all of a sudden grabs you.


SLC Capitol

Added on by John Sturr.

Fujifilm Acros 100

Shot on the Nikon F100, 80-200mm Afs with Fuji Acros 100 - Vintage stock - and developed in a Rodinal Stand @5% for 60 minutes. Scanned on a Nikon LS-8000 @ 4000 dpi native.

The Capitol of Utah in Salt Lake City - I would imagine there will be a flurry of activity there this week during the swearing in of Biden in D.C.


Washington Coast

Added on by John Sturr.

Fuji Acros 100

Shot on the Washington Beach - I'm not one for centering the frame, but in this case everything fit to where there was no other option.

No crop - shot with the Rollei 6008i of which is an amazing result when you get it right upon capture.

Fuji Across 100 in a Stand with Rodinal @5% with a 60 minute burn. Scanned on a Nikon LS-8000 legacy scanner at 4000 dpi.

No people here - which is a bit unusual were this beach attracts quite the people crowd.


find the Frame

Added on by John Sturr.

Fuji Acros 100

Look for the scene to fill the frame -- see how your limitations will define the impact to the viewer - and then make that just as important as what your displaying - ultimately. If you have unlimited power you have limited creativity.

Fujichrome Acros 100 - stand development @5% - developed and scanned in house.


get Great Glass - i.e. (Lenses)

Added on by John Sturr.

Every once in a while I get reminded that great glass is not only a gift but it's a necessity. It's a necessity in order to separate you from everyone else - it's a necessity to give your images the power of a compelling view. Get great lenses - even if it's just one - get one - and shoot that system like you are going to die tomorrow.

Fuji Acros 100 - Nikon F100 - 50mm f1.4 - Stand developed in 5% Rodinal @ 60minutes - developed and scanned in house.


Washington State

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot on the beach with a Rollei 6008i - where it all came together. Developed and scanned in house and when the planets align and everything turns out just the way it should - it’s so awesome.

Fuji Acros - stand development in Rodinal with a 60min cook at 5% dilution.


the Twin Falls with the in-Laws

Added on by John Sturr.

Shopping for beautiful things, which grow - we traveled there on a Saturday during the height of the Covid.
In Twin Falls, Idaho.

Rollei 6008i with Fuji Acros 100 in a Stand with Rodinal of 5% for 60 minutes. Scanned on a Nikon LS-8000 - Legacy.

Rollei 6008i - Fuji Acros 100, Stand in Rodinal of 5% - Twin Falls Idaho.

Rollei 6008i - Fuji Acros 100, Stand in Rodinal of 5% - Twin Falls Idaho.