
BW on the Table

Added on by John Sturr.

One of my favorites from the July 4th weekend.  Very simple BW with great texture of all subjects.

Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm No Crop


Over the Boards

Added on by John Sturr.

Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm, No Crop

It’s been a while since a last posted - long work hours and the monthly delay between registering for copyright and being able to display images are the choke points.

This image is from the office, of Steve Goodwin working on final project design adjustments.  As always the exercise is recognizing the scene and then capturing it with the Nikon 1 V1, 18.5 f1.8 - and then this was converted with NIK Silver Efex pro 2.  No crop.  I’m proud of this shot - it all came together.

And - by now - you may have noticed the watermark in the lower right.  This is a bit of an experiment in branding.  I’m not an Annie Leibovitz, Herb Ritts, or Hedrich Blessing, meaning - their careers are pretty much set - ok, so - two are dead, so maybe this wasn’t a good example.  But I think the point has been made.  When a photo is viewed — I want those to know who shot it.

Next Topic - 

i blew the dust off the D3s a few weeks ago - hell I even had dead batteries, something which hasn’t happened since purchase in Nov. ’09.  I was gobsmacked - and maybe I shouldn’t have been as it just means I’m not very busy on the pro side.  As I only dig this out when I’m getting paid.  Tilt shift lenses have yet to make their presence on the small cameras - and when shooting architecture - the TS separates you from the crowd.

But back to the point — small sensor cameras are fun and all — but full frame with an 85mm f1.4 lens — at f1.4 and wow.  Just wow.  There is nothing like having the flexibility to control backgrounds with a few clicks of the aperture - and then having the sharpness to go along with it.  

I miss full frame - which reminds me that maybe I need to shoot the D3s more.

All systems have their advantages.

Next Topic - 

Nikon needs to figure out what their business plan is going to be.

  • Are they going to sell cameras - then start producing some V3’s
  • Are they going to compete in the mirrorless market - then develop a full frame
  • Are they going to replace their CaptureNX - then make it happen
  • Nikon — how badly do you want it — how badly ?

The D3 series was a game-changer — so here’s the tip of the day - “hire those guys back to make something else”.

Next Topic -

Speaking of cameras — Sony is on a terror.  First the Nex series, of which I had the “7”, then the A7 full frame series and now the “s” with the crazy low light capable sensor - and now the A6000, which for $600+ you have crazy APS-c performance.  Read the reviews.

So — back to the point - Nikon, figure out what you want to be; Winner or Loser.


Bricks and Beam

Added on by John Sturr.

It's just bricks and a metal beam - but - this whole scene captivated me one late morning and when it caught the corner of my eye I had to capture it.  

Sometimes it is a challenge to recognize a scene - and sometimes it seems to slap me on the forehead.

Nikon 1 V1 - 30-110mm, Silver Efex Pro 2 - Tri-X 125 - no crop.


Street in St. Louis - 3

Added on by John Sturr.

This is where the 6.7-13mm really shines -- when it's big -- you need wide -- really wide.  

I will say this though - wide will kick your ass.  And the funny thing is - it gets kicked in Post - never when you on site.  For some reason, everything always looks good in frame - never does it look like trash until you get it up on screen.  And then it is a palm to the forehead moment.  

Bam -- that is when you see the wide angle skew.  The safe zone is always when you are 90 Deg. to the subject - always.

St. Louis Arch - Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm.


Street in St. Louis

Added on by John Sturr.

One of my favorites -- as the detail on the front of this building seems to go on forever - and I couldn't imagine the cost of such ornate glazed tiles in today dollars.

This is in St. Louis where I was just shooting street.  And what a great way to stop and really see the city, any city - but to walk and take the time to dissect scene after scene.

10-30mm - contrast and sharpening in ViewNX2 - no crop.


Nikon 1 V1 - 10-30mm


The bees

Added on by John Sturr.

My wife bought me some bees -- and I'm having a go at it.  Notice the one with the yellow legs - too cool.  If all goes well - we will have 100lbs. of honey by September.

Nikon P330

Nikon P330


Adobe - Lehi

Added on by John Sturr.

Some of my favorites of today's visit to Adobe's campus in Lehi.

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm



Added on by John Sturr.

I literally set up, and took this shot without the subjects even knowing I was there.  Upon talking to the gentleman on the left, he mentioned it was a pretty intense conversation and didn't even notice..

I'm glad I was there.

Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm


Moran Eye - Interior wide

Added on by John Sturr.

3rd floor of the Moran Eye.  Whenever I'm there I can't get over the dramatic view where this facility is nicknamed the "Palace" of those who visit who are in the professional eye community.

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm


Going Wide on Moran Eye

Added on by John Sturr.

Testing out the new 6.7-13mm Nikon on the 1 V1.  

Equivalent in 35mm it's a 18mm-35mm.  

So - for some 18mm isn't very super wide - but for this sensor and considering it is a 6.7mm lens - well - it really is.

Converted in ViewNX2 to .tiff and then corrected in LR5.

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm

Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm