M about to partake in the ritual of drinking some great coffee — in SLC no less.
drinking Coffee - in SLC
M about to partake in the ritual of drinking some great coffee — in SLC no less.
drinking Coffee - in SLC
Yes -- it has -- between getting the Rollei 6008i worked on, and keeping in mind and getting the needed copyright registration for any new images, too much time has past. Well -- I'll make it up.
This is a digital image - shot from the Buss stop and of the Harmon's grocery store facade. It's really abstract - and I love it.
A few blocks from the office with the early Spring setting sun and I couldn't ignore this scene.
Rollei 6008i
I don’t know where the 1 series is going — for all I know it could be Nikon’s new D2h.
When searching for a performance based system I reached for the Sony Nex-7 and once the honeymoon wore off I grew frustrated. AF was slow - color rendition was great as long as you were outside in great light - shutterspeeds were somehow pegged at 1/60, it seemed all the time in when in Aperture Pri. I guess I could have lived with everything except the color rendering and exposure.
I found myself reaching for it less and less. Paris was the last time I seriously used it - so I sold it.
But — in the mean time - on a lark I bought the Nikon P330 Coolpix. Canon’s products were rendering skin tones much too red and peachy. And I fell in love - lens was crazy sharp, it shot raw, and the colors were rich and deep and recognizably all Nikon. Hmm… I thought.
I wanted to get back into mirrorless, but funds were on the decline, Fuji wasn’t a contender as it was a slow system, lenses were getting great reports though, and i saw that the V1 system was getting better and better writeups. The $300 refurb pricing helped also.
AF is lighting fast - whoa… crazy fast - silent shutter is really trick, I use it almost exclusively, and most importantly rendering and exposure is nailed and finally the raw BW convert is crazy black.
So where does that leave me — The Fuji XT1 is attractive - bigger sensor, but raw development seems a bit challenging, irregardless of that the fans tell me it is a non-issue with LR etc. Sony’s A7 series is a bit too expensive and maybe needs to be tripod based for shooting and I just can’t see going m4/3 for some reason. So that leads me back to where I’m at - because I really love the V1.
The D3s backfills the pro work - and in the next few weeks I’ll be picking up the 30-110mm, and the 6.7-13mm where I have the 18.5mm, 10-30mm, and the flash.
So that’s my story.
Nikon 1 V1 - 10-30mm