Filtering by Tag: f2.8

BW is unforgiving

Added on by John Sturr.

BW film or any film is always a bit of an event in discovering the result — and I guess that’s what keeps me coming back.

As I learned in my stats class years ago - there are some un-predictable parameters which don’t lend to a “sure thing” event.

I now see why, when those back in the day, shot film they were true artists of the time.  There was no preview - no chimping - no spray and pray.  A wedding photographer for hire had no choice but to get the shot - and I doubt any had “errors and omissions” insurance if they didn’t.  And if you didn’t get it - then - a world of hurt your had to face with the client.

The capture is the easiest - film selection defined your style - and predicting exposure with limited frames determined your profits.  And I haven’t even brought about the challenges of flash.

This is downtown SLC - a scene of the sun peaking during just the right time of the morning.  BW with this golden light is a challenge - where color becomes dramatic and a no brainer - BW is unforgiving.

Nikon F100 - Ilford XP2 C-41, 80-200mm f2.8 AF-s

400 S.

Added on by John Sturr.

These are some of my favorites of the walk from the office to the Trax Friday evening.

It's very satisfying to anticipate a shot - adjust camera settings on the fly - and then compose and shoot.

The first "real" images with the Sigma 30mm f2.8 - fov at 45mm - and I love the sharpness.  This lens is a keeper for sure.

Some of this set will be in this years Top Ten.

Good Light or Good Form

Added on by John Sturr.

A colleague asked me when do I usually go out to shoot - "When ever I can", I said.  There are times when I plan a shoot - or have an idea of what kind of look I want.  Other times the moments are serendipitous.

As seen from my most of my work, it is probably not too difficult to see how I am attracted to very, strong, rectilinear forms.  And that is sometimes satisfied thru harsh light and shadow - and I'm really fine with that as the form is what I'm after.    The above image was shot with an Olympus Zuiko 35mm f2.8 Shift - converted with a Leitax Nikon adapter.

This last weekend I shot the Triad Center - and because that area is so vertical and channeled - overhead sun worked out well.  Else - the contrast between the shadow would be too difficult to balance.