Filtering by Tag: bw

WW II - Museum

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot at the Museum - quite near the entrance.  The Museum is very nice - but I wish it was bigger !  This images is a BW convert from color.  This may be the first time I've done this, as I'm usually a purest when it comes to the craft.  But - in this case - a BW images really makes this form pop.

As always - no crop and self developed, shot on a Rollei 6008i

Dinner with the Woods

Added on by John Sturr.

This was an unpredictable roll -- some frames just didn't turn out well.  The advantage of the hybrid / digital workflow offers powerful corrective actions in post.  I have no idea how that was completed to satisfaction back in the day.  

You were defined by those who completed your wet process edits.

Alligator Lake - High Uintas Utah

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

Looking thru. All Nikon V1.

Added on by John Sturr.

This was a tough one for me as the abstract nature of this possible image was difficult for me to see.  As I shoot - I'm trying to be better at seeing the abstract.  Here is some of the backstory - walking thru a residential house remodel I saw past the dirty bathroom to this window.  When carrying my camera, I always try to shoot and not be of the types who have it slung on the shoulder all day — but I digress - so I forced the shot.  

Meaning - I tried to make something of the nondescript scene.  And - some times - luck has its way.

And all is good.  No crop.