Filtering by Tag: XP2

XP2 - C41

Added on by John Sturr.

A friend who I've mention before, Will Wright, sent me a roll of Ilford XP2 to try explore.  The option of being able to shoot BW with a C-41 process has some advantages - especially when traveling or being on the road without the traditional chemicals available.  

Drop it in the mail - or find a local drugstore to process the roll - done.

This is a shot from my day job - FFKR Architects - where, as I've mentioned in other posts, I have some excellent subject matter and backgrounds, to photograph.  

Here is one of the Firm's Principals, Rick Frerichs, head of the Health Care Studio, in his office.

BW is unforgiving

Added on by John Sturr.

BW film or any film is always a bit of an event in discovering the result — and I guess that’s what keeps me coming back.

As I learned in my stats class years ago - there are some un-predictable parameters which don’t lend to a “sure thing” event.

I now see why, when those back in the day, shot film they were true artists of the time.  There was no preview - no chimping - no spray and pray.  A wedding photographer for hire had no choice but to get the shot - and I doubt any had “errors and omissions” insurance if they didn’t.  And if you didn’t get it - then - a world of hurt your had to face with the client.

The capture is the easiest - film selection defined your style - and predicting exposure with limited frames determined your profits.  And I haven’t even brought about the challenges of flash.

This is downtown SLC - a scene of the sun peaking during just the right time of the morning.  BW with this golden light is a challenge - where color becomes dramatic and a no brainer - BW is unforgiving.

Nikon F100 - Ilford XP2 C-41, 80-200mm f2.8 AF-s