Filtering by Tag: V1

-- Penelope --

Added on by John Sturr.

M's sister's English Bulldog - while we were in Northern Idaho on a camping trip.  She's about 60lbs. and is a beast - but a friendly, gentle, nice beast.  We have here sister, Lola - and she's just the same in her actions !

Shot with the Nikon 1 V1 and the 30-110mm. - I know -- digital... how weird ?!?

the Family

Added on by John Sturr.

M with her Mother and Sister - while exploring in Central Idaho.  I'm a big fan of Idaho - great things have happened to me in that State. 

Nikon 1 V1 - Central Idaho 2016

It's been a while ...

Added on by John Sturr.

Yes -- it has -- between getting the Rollei 6008i worked on, and keeping in mind and getting the needed copyright registration for any new images, too much time has past.  Well -- I'll make it up.

This is a digital image - shot from the Buss stop and of the Harmon's grocery store facade.  It's really abstract - and I love it.

Digital -- what ??

Added on by John Sturr.

It has been a while since I have posted something from the V1 Nikon.  A model of camera of which I love and one which I hope Nikon will update with a V4.  I hope very soon.

This image is from Disney Land - December 2015.  Native monochrome.

It's been while

Added on by John Sturr.

I've, between shooting film - waiting on a copyright registration for such images - and losing track of it all because of an upcoming Maui vacation, so I haven't updated the blog in a while.

The film quandary continues - and I shouldn't call it a quandary and it really is a good thing.  I've become more critical of what I shoot and I'm excited to keep the learning curve going.  Here in Maui I'm shooting 35mm Ilford, and Kodak stock, along with the same in 2-1/4 x 2-1/4.

In the meantime - I'm also still shooting the V1 - not so say that the V1 is now second fiddle - but it fills in the gaps when I don't have the right roll in the F100.  I can't change rolls in mid cycle until I send in the body for Nikon to modify to the leader exposed during the re-wind - Ugh.

Maui - Bad Ass Coffee


the Chickens

Added on by John Sturr.

At the time these were taken - mid October, I didn’t give them much thought - but I had the idea the complicated scenes “may” come out as something decent.  So I tromped out and took pictures of chickens in Twin Falls, Idaho; my Brother-in-Law’s place.

All were shot with the V1 and the 18.5mm (50mm equivalent) and most times I don’t second guess my lens choices and stay with one.  Most of the time it is for convenience, but then the convenience factor becomes a creative factor.  It is what it is.

Upon developing I used Nikon ViewNX, as the NX-d kept crashing and I didn’t need NX-d’s noise correction.  After cooking them out I brought them into LR-5 for the lens corrections.  Since these were all web - I pushed to .jpg vs. .tiff and cooked them out again in LR in order to watermark.

All corrections were in ViewNX and the color profile was a factory Vivid or Portrait with a boost in contrast - Sharpening is a bit powerful in ViewNX so I keep the slider at 2-4 depending on what the image can absorb and rarely do I go past 5.

It’s kindof a pain - but that’s the work flow.

The more I look at these the more I love them - the framing, the subject, the colors - not trying to toot my own horn here - but it’s taken me years to be able to view my own work and consider it viable as decent and something to share.  I maybe print one or two of these 13x19 on aluminum.



I guess the lesson learned here is being able to force the capture of the photo.  I had no intention of taking pics of chickens that day — none.  But I had the gear - and some how - I came away with some interesting images.

A walk of a non-descript street

Added on by John Sturr.

Sometimes recognizing the scene is half the battle - and visualizing the result is the final outcome of that exercise.  And thats when all of the photos take in the past - become an asset of the present.  Whew -- ok -- enough with the heady -- here's the picture.

Nikon 1 V1