Filtering by Tag: Park

Jackson Hole Wyoming

Added on by John Sturr.

A grab shot - as most of mine are - from 2020 Aug, of my in-laws prepping their gear for the walk to the river. I can’t remember if this was the Rollei or the Yashica - but for some reason I’m thinking it was the Yashica 124G as it’s a bit easier to travel with. We were on the edge of the Teton National Park.

Developed by “theFindLab” - which is really rare for me as I’ve developed my own. But — the rolls really started to pile up and I used the quick but pay thru the nose option.

This was the same week of which my Mother in-law was bucked off of a horse and broke 13 ribs. She’s lucky to have survived - but - that’s a whole other story.

Fuji Acros - 100 iso

Added on by John Sturr.

I've recently discovered this Acros Fuji stock -- and OMG -- it's of my favorite now.  I wish Fuji still made the 400iso as it only comes in 100 stock.  Image was taken on the overlook at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  The weather was cold and crazy windy for a day in September.  But - it all worked out just fine.

Rollei 6008i - 80mm f2.8 

Rocky Mtn National Park - Acros 100

High West

Added on by John Sturr.

Here’s a photo of opportunity - sitting for dinner at a distillery in Park City, Utah - High West - some in this group may have even experienced their award winning Whiskey, but I digress.  This was a matter of great light, and shinny objects - and I can’t lie - I’m a sucker for those also.  This is basically out of camera - with sharpening but NEF. 

ViewNX - when I can get away with not having to lens correct is the editor of choice - the secret “color” sauce is very, very welcomed.  I wish LR 5 had the magic.  LR gives me about 90% of what Nikon’s software produces.  Too bad it is always the last 10% which determines the good stuff.

I’m always torn with the V1 system - as I wish the lenses were faster - as now I’m thinking of going B/W and pegging it a 1600 ASA, and just going to town and seeing what happens.  If anything it will provide a new perspective - and that is always welcome.

Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm 

Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm