Filtering by Tag: Film

Jackson Hole Wyoming

Added on by John Sturr.

A grab shot - as most of mine are - from 2020 Aug, of my in-laws prepping their gear for the walk to the river. I can’t remember if this was the Rollei or the Yashica - but for some reason I’m thinking it was the Yashica 124G as it’s a bit easier to travel with. We were on the edge of the Teton National Park.

Developed by “theFindLab” - which is really rare for me as I’ve developed my own. But — the rolls really started to pile up and I used the quick but pay thru the nose option.

This was the same week of which my Mother in-law was bucked off of a horse and broke 13 ribs. She’s lucky to have survived - but - that’s a whole other story.

Grab the easy shot...

Added on by John Sturr.

Sometimes - it pays to experiment and take the easy shot - maybe it’s the shot right in front of you - maybe you are walking the dog and you can pull up the camera and see what happens after you hit the shutter release.

That’s exactly what I did with this capture. My wife and I were walking the dog - I had a fast f1.4, 50mm - and I set it up and hoped for the best. I couldn’t have expected the result - oh - and this was on film - so I had no idea what would eventually happen.

Fuji Acros - 100 - self developed - self scanned

a Favorite

Added on by John Sturr.

Here is a favorite of late - shot this summer on Fuji Acros 100 in downtown Salt Lake City - and upon development and scanning this image really impressed me.  It as minimalist and intense all at the same time.  I'm happy with it for the whole workflow which entailed to make it this far - the even of capture, the development, the scan and the upload.  As I said in the blog post before this - when it all comes together the experience is without peer.

Fuji Acros 100 - self developed and scanned - Salt Lake City, Utah.

the Scene

Added on by John Sturr.

I'm always trying to see thru the ordinary and capture something which will look good as a photo.  Something which sparks an interesting thought or glance to want to see more.  Getting all of this to work - is really quite a task to accomplish.  Black and White can add something - as would color if the scene is met.  But when it does become evident and the picture does become - it can be magical.

Fuji Acros 100 - Stand development in Rodinal


Added on by John Sturr.

Last Fall I would walk the neighborhood with Lola the English Bulldog and my Nikon F100.  Every once in a while a scene would appear - or - better said - I would will a scene to be captured.  Every photo - every frame - is a stretch of sanity without slapping the shutter release of pure hope something would eventually develop.  And develop is correct as I'm shooting film here -- but I'll stop babbling -- this is what I got in the window of the Architectural firm.

Nikon F100 - Kodak Portra 400

Fuji Acros 100 - Film

Added on by John Sturr.

This was shot last Summer on Acros 100 and processed with a "Stand" development.  The stand is not only very convenient - the gradation between whites and blacks is crazy rich, deep and contrasty.  My eye screams for more when all comes out very well.  This scene was with the Rollei 6008 Integral and the kit lens.  When everything comes together / the planets align / film becomes a magical endeavor - even if only you see it as such.  What do I mean by this:  Film needs to be stored to stay fresh - in a fridge; the film is exposed and the image can't be confirmed as being "good"; the film is developed - weird stuff can happen during development; film is then scanned and processed etc.  There are so many steps to where all can really, very easily, go to hell.

But I digress -- this capture turned out great !! 

Fuji Acros 100 - Stand Development - Rollei 6008 Integral

Whew -- it's been awhile...

Added on by John Sturr.

Time to catch up on some previous images.  This was taken this last summer in the western part of the city - toward the West Valley area.  There are times when upon driving around you recognize the Sun is just perfect but no camera in hand - so don't forget that time frame and venture back when the conditions repeat - with the camera.  I did just that one Saturday evening and was able to capture the color of this scene.


Fuji Acros - 100 iso

Added on by John Sturr.

I've recently discovered this Acros Fuji stock -- and OMG -- it's of my favorite now.  I wish Fuji still made the 400iso as it only comes in 100 stock.  Image was taken on the overlook at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  The weather was cold and crazy windy for a day in September.  But - it all worked out just fine.

Rollei 6008i - 80mm f2.8 

Rocky Mtn National Park - Acros 100

Hold the Line !

Added on by John Sturr.

"Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.

Hold the line!

Stay with me!

If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you’re already dead!"

Nikon F100 - Salt Lake City - Summer 2016