Last August a friend let me borrow his Leica M6 - it was wonderful.
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Nikon Df - follow up.
I can’t help but respond to the Nikon Df announcement of which I predicted would be met with complete distain.
The body and lens are now real. The launch was a complete failure because the ad campaign was 3 videos too long. The perception was that the product was something more than what it actually was, where some of that was in the realm of the viewer - some of that was the campaign.
The camera itself is a total bust. If the statement can be believed that Nikon spent 4 years on this is true - then I would characterize that as an embarrassment to the R&D team. I’m going all out here — why - because I watched 6 videos of what was supposed to be a God Camera. And the release was 1 year too late. There is too much competition in the market place for anyone to care about this now - especially for 3 grand.
The other point - of which many have stated - the design is for the sake of “Retro” - and I agree. The F3 was the F3 - the FM-2 was the FM-2 for good reason. The D3 series is the D3 series. If the intent was to make it look like a F3 - then make it look like an F3. It hardly looks like an F3. Really - it hardly does - this design is something else - I don’t know what it is really.
I guess it’s a Df.
Nikon is better than this. And where is the video.
I’m really bummed.