This was shot in October off the elevated Eccles Theater building during the open house. Black and White can really be compelling when there is such high contrast in the scene.
Nikon 1 V1 - no crop.
This was shot in October off the elevated Eccles Theater building during the open house. Black and White can really be compelling when there is such high contrast in the scene.
Nikon 1 V1 - no crop.
Shot in the area of Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, docked is a beat up, well worn and used ChrisCraft SuperSport.
Shot with the Nikon 1 V1 on a SLC backstreet - no crop.
M's sister's English Bulldog - while we were in Northern Idaho on a camping trip. She's about 60lbs. and is a beast - but a friendly, gentle, nice beast. We have here sister, Lola - and she's just the same in her actions !
Shot with the Nikon 1 V1 and the 30-110mm. - I know -- digital... how weird ?!?
M with her Mother and Sister - while exploring in Central Idaho. I'm a big fan of Idaho - great things have happened to me in that State.
Nikon 1 V1 - Central Idaho 2016
It has been a while since I have posted something from the V1 Nikon. A model of camera of which I love and one which I hope Nikon will update with a V4. I hope very soon.
This image is from Disney Land - December 2015. Native monochrome.
I've, between shooting film - waiting on a copyright registration for such images - and losing track of it all because of an upcoming Maui vacation, so I haven't updated the blog in a while.
The film quandary continues - and I shouldn't call it a quandary and it really is a good thing. I've become more critical of what I shoot and I'm excited to keep the learning curve going. Here in Maui I'm shooting 35mm Ilford, and Kodak stock, along with the same in 2-1/4 x 2-1/4.
In the meantime - I'm also still shooting the V1 - not so say that the V1 is now second fiddle - but it fills in the gaps when I don't have the right roll in the F100. I can't change rolls in mid cycle until I send in the body for Nikon to modify to the leader exposed during the re-wind - Ugh.
Maui - Bad Ass Coffee
Nikon 1 V1, 6.7-13mm
Nikon 1 V1 - No Crop
Nikon 1 V1
Thanksgiving 2014 - Pentwater Michigan.
Nikon 1 V1 - 6.7-13mm No Crop
The other side of vegas - 6 floors up, thru glass at the "M". No crop.
Nikon 1 V1 - 30-110mm - no crop
Nikon 1 V1
This was a tough one for me as the abstract nature of this possible image was difficult for me to see. As I shoot - I'm trying to be better at seeing the abstract. Here is some of the backstory - walking thru a residential house remodel I saw past the dirty bathroom to this window. When carrying my camera, I always try to shoot and not be of the types who have it slung on the shoulder all day — but I digress - so I forced the shot.
Meaning - I tried to make something of the nondescript scene. And - some times - luck has its way.
And all is good. No crop.
Nikon 1 V1, 10-30mm
Shot with the 18.5mm f1.8 -- surprisingly good results. Color rendering is pure Nikon and expected.
Nikon V1 - 18.5mm
Nikon V1 - 18.5mm
Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm
At the time these were taken - mid October, I didn’t give them much thought - but I had the idea the complicated scenes “may” come out as something decent. So I tromped out and took pictures of chickens in Twin Falls, Idaho; my Brother-in-Law’s place.
All were shot with the V1 and the 18.5mm (50mm equivalent) and most times I don’t second guess my lens choices and stay with one. Most of the time it is for convenience, but then the convenience factor becomes a creative factor. It is what it is.
Upon developing I used Nikon ViewNX, as the NX-d kept crashing and I didn’t need NX-d’s noise correction. After cooking them out I brought them into LR-5 for the lens corrections. Since these were all web - I pushed to .jpg vs. .tiff and cooked them out again in LR in order to watermark.
All corrections were in ViewNX and the color profile was a factory Vivid or Portrait with a boost in contrast - Sharpening is a bit powerful in ViewNX so I keep the slider at 2-4 depending on what the image can absorb and rarely do I go past 5.
It’s kindof a pain - but that’s the work flow.
The more I look at these the more I love them - the framing, the subject, the colors - not trying to toot my own horn here - but it’s taken me years to be able to view my own work and consider it viable as decent and something to share. I maybe print one or two of these 13x19 on aluminum.
I guess the lesson learned here is being able to force the capture of the photo. I had no intention of taking pics of chickens that day — none. But I had the gear - and some how - I came away with some interesting images.
Looking South.
Sometimes recognizing the scene is half the battle - and visualizing the result is the final outcome of that exercise. And thats when all of the photos take in the past - become an asset of the present. Whew -- ok -- enough with the heady -- here's the picture.
Nikon 1 V1