I can't help but have the Capitol be the subject for many images - it's so dominate, so grand and placed in a great location. And when the light is right and it all comes together it is a fine place to be. This was taken with the Nikon F100 35mm on Fuji Acros 100 developed in a Rodinal Stand development. As I've said before this is my preferred method of process for BW in the 100 ASA.
On another note - I've decided to purchase another camera - and the funny thing: it's a body I've had about 4 years ago. I bought a used Sony Nex-7 - Sony's first 24mp NEX from the 2011 era. I've been struggling with the Nikon 1V1 with their slow lenses and smallish sensor and the 10 mp density.
But on the Nikon side -- I'm anxious for Nikon to release their new mirrorless system to see what they've come up with to the market. This is an interesting time -- and every few months it gets more and more interesting; both good and bad.
The Nex-7 gives me a bigger sized sensor, more MP and allows me to easily adapt my nikon lenses. And - I'm weirdly excited to get my Nex-7 spirit flowing again. And - one of the most compelling things about the body is the built in flash.
Rollei 6008i with Fuji Acros 100 - Stand developed in Rodina 100:1 for 60 minutes