SLC Federal Courthouse

Added on by John Sturr.

I don't know what Nikon is doing with these V1 lenses - but they are beyond anything I've experienced in sharpness.  Everything is sharp - everywhere.  I'm really impressed, and I'm really tempted to get the 30-110mm to round out the set.

These are developed in LR 5 - and I wanted to experiment with the new lens corrections - and they are quite the time saver and usually spot on.

This was yesterday Morning using the 10-30mm - and I'm crazy impressed.  And granted - I shouldn't really be that surprised - but I am as I was using this piece for more than just point and shoot situations.


Nikon 1 - V1, 10-30mm Federal Courthouse, SLC

Nikon 1 - V1, 10-30mm Federal Courthouse, SLC