I was asked what do I when I plan to go on a shoot.
Here are some thoughts.
- Don't forget anything.
- Shutter Release - extra batteries for flashes, and cordless releases.
- Lens cloths and cleaners
- Tripod, Head and Plate
- Memory Cards
- Camera and Battery - don't laugh, last year I went on vacation and I forgot the battery on the charger.
- If you think of something the night before - don't count on remembering it the next morning - get off the couch and pack it - or set it aside. I did that with my shutter release once and left it on my desk.
- Have a dedicated bag for pro shoots - and don't take anything out of it - ever. Everything is always there - and stays there.
- Set your camera to base ASA - and get off Auto ASA.
- I shoot everything on Manual - Set it and keep it there.
- If going wide - check the main element for dust - those bulbous elements, when in the sun show everything - and dust on those is the worst to try to correct in post - almost impossible.
- Hoods
- Do a quick check for sensor dust - it's probably too late for a deep clean but a blow may be better than nothing.
- Format your memory card.
- Batteries at full charge.
- Know where you are going and be sure others at the site know who you are.
- Bring business cards - I was carded on site by a client to prove who I was.
- Don't shoot when you are hungry
- Compose and frame - and take a breath - look at the scene - and then shoot. Slow down and notice the non-obvious. Gum wrappers - distractions in the frame etc.
- Make sure everything is correctly framed and square - if it can be fixed in camera - do it.
- Be sure you are shooting RAW.
- If you can - shoot to two memory cards at once.
- Slow down -- slow down - slow down.
- What you miss now - may not be able to be captured at another time.