Whether I'm walking about, at the office, driving etc. I'll frame up an image with my eyes -- or have a fleeting moment of a glance and the spark of the idea of making a picture will emerge.
My heart belongs to street photography, and while Salt Lake City is hardly the visual feast - I try to satisfy that craving through other means; at the office, in the car, walking to the train.
Friday I was at the office and just happend to have my gear. I knew some may be wearing Holloween costumes. Later in the afternoon the office was draped in miday overcast light from natural
skylights - and yet incandescent lamps will throw some warm Pop to the desks of those who have them on.
I walked by the desk of a co-worker - glanced at the scene - and I had that "Spark" -- I'm sure that sounded totally corney, untrue, or made-up, yet it isn't.
I told Lisa to just keep doing what she was doing - and I was going to take some photos -- the D3s, and a circa 1984 50mm f1.4 lens, shot at f4, with ASA at 1200.
I'm very happy with the result -- the lamp frames her from the top - there is a warm glow from the blub - adding contrast to the the background which is cold and white - and the shirt adds color - and her task sparks the viewers interest.
----I think----