Filtering by Tag: Portra


Added on by John Sturr.

Last Fall I would walk the neighborhood with Lola the English Bulldog and my Nikon F100.  Every once in a while a scene would appear - or - better said - I would will a scene to be captured.  Every photo - every frame - is a stretch of sanity without slapping the shutter release of pure hope something would eventually develop.  And develop is correct as I'm shooting film here -- but I'll stop babbling -- this is what I got in the window of the Architectural firm.

Nikon F100 - Kodak Portra 400


Added on by John Sturr.

This was in Hagerman Idaho.  It was one of those days where I had the time to shoot but I had to dig really deeply to find anything -- really -- anything to shoot.  I walked out side from the house - about 100 yards away and this scene appeared.  And I decided to make it work and capture it as best as i could manage.  Shot on Portra 400 with the Nikon F100.

Timeless without the Cars

Added on by John Sturr.

Here's Lola again - with my wife Madeline. When Lola was around 10lbs. 

I love this image - combined with the look of film this brings me to a "Madmen" type scene -- with the hat and film base it looks like something from the fabulous 1950's.  

No lies here -- I don't know how fabulous the 50's really were as I wasn't born yet -- but I can't get over the nostalgia this image brings.  Too bad the cars are in the background - else it would have been timeless.

This is Kodak's Portra 400.  For its skin tone rendering - it has no peer.

Self developed with a C-41 Tetenal Kit - no crop.

Nikon F100 - 50mm f1.4 - Kodak Portra 400, Tetenal C-41 Kit