Filtering by Tag: Glass

Today's tip

Added on by John Sturr.

While searching my LRoom catalog I noticed many images which didn't "catch" my eye months/years before.  Aesthetics change - tastes change and I was surprised upon digging thru the past images.  And - LRoom has become better at resolving some of these images and offering better correction techniques.  So - in the coming Winter month's - I'll be taking a look and pulling those images which didn't interest me soon after the shoot.

Notre Dame Sacristy, Paris France.  Nikon P330

Notre Dame Sacristy, Paris France.  Nikon P330

Glass Dancers

Added on by John Sturr.

Last nights Utah Arts Festival - and as we approached was this scene of dancers on the South side of the SLC Library glass.

Shot  with the 18.5mm. The 10-30mm was in the bag but I decided to give this lens a real workout.

The focus response was stellar - and as close as I can get to a full D3s focusing system.

The only complaint I have is the focus point - I'm finding that in some cases the focus point is not as "Pin Point" as I would want or expect. And that surprises the result at times. Meaning - I miss focus.

ViewNX from NEF to JPG - no crop.


Nikon 1 - V1, 18.5mm

Nikon 1 - V1, 18.5mm