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Added on by John Sturr.

This is the back side of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building - historically known as Hotel Utah.

This was restored and remodeled, by the LDS Church in the 1980's to become an administration type building.  

FFKR Architect's was hired for the original remodel and has since been involved in ongoing modifications.

YashicaMat124G - Kodak Ektar 100

NW Maui

Added on by John Sturr.

A paradise in and of itself -- let alone when you are carrying a camera.  Taken from the beach of the house we were fortunate to be renting for the week.  Can't wait to go back.  This is Ilford Pan-F 50.  I'm not a big fan as the sharpness seems a bit lacking - It was a an experiment of sorts - I'm now sticking to Ilford's Delta series.  Either 100 or 400.

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

YashicaMat 124 G - Ilford Pan-F 50

Back to the roots.

Added on by John Sturr.

Months ago - testing the nature of film and how it works against architecture.  Film is so foreign - its like putting on blinders and walking out side.  Digital allows you to confirm the capture - film says, "screw you" -- I'll give it up when I want too.  And that's the truth.  

For a paying gig - well - that's a bit unnerving.

This is at the University of Utah.  When the light is right - there are some striking areas to shoot.

YashicaMat124G - Fuji 400H

Maui Palms

Added on by John Sturr.

More Maui - not too bore, but I just can't look away; fair warning as more will be coming.  

The Yashica is a joy to use and learn from.  This is Ilford's Pan f - 50 ASA.  It's hard for me to compare but I would like to compare Delta 100 or a TMax and see the results.

YashicaMat 124G - Ilford 50 Pan f

Maui on a Boat

Added on by John Sturr.

Three feet away while seated on a ferry with a 50mm and little options for framing present.  And in a way conditions force the idea to get out of the comfort zone and you make do - and it's a nice thing when something good literally develops.

Nikon F100, 50mm f1.4 with Yellow 44 filter, HP5+

Nikon F100 - 50mm f1.4 D, Yellow 44


Added on by John Sturr.

This is a watershed moment - as this image is from a roll of film I've taken from cradle to grave. Shot on the Nikon F100 on Ilford HP5+ with the 85mm f1.4, developed with Kodak D-76 at 70 Degrees for 13 minutes, and scanned on a legacy Minolta Dimage 5400 series I at 5400 dpi.  I say legacy as these necessary consumer scanners are no longer produced - but I'm saving that for another post.

So now everything is in house - and the fixed costs are only film and chemicals.  No more $20 per roll for processing. - per roll.

And I have my friend Will Wright to thank for getting me this far and helping me realize what film has too offer.

Nikon F100 on Ilford HP5+