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Tour of Utah - 2012 Ogden Start

Added on by John Sturr.

The Ogden start of the 2012 Tour of Utah was a mixed bag.  It was short on action compared to my venue photos of last year - and I had to hunt for the interesting.  The pits would have provided some more interesting views - but I didn't get there - should have, but didn't.

These are a mix with the D3s, and Nex.  I am reminded how succinct the Nikon really is - like an extension.  Post process included the x-equals XEL presets.

Click the images to be taken to the hi-rez.

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji 100C Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji 100C Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji 100C Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji 100C Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji Press 800 Expired Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Fuji Press 800 Expired Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Kodak Gold 200 Mix

​Tour of Utah - Ogden Start - x-equals Kodak Gold 200 Mix