Filtering by Tag: 2020

Jackson Hole Wyoming

Added on by John Sturr.

A grab shot - as most of mine are - from 2020 Aug, of my in-laws prepping their gear for the walk to the river. I can’t remember if this was the Rollei or the Yashica - but for some reason I’m thinking it was the Yashica 124G as it’s a bit easier to travel with. We were on the edge of the Teton National Park.

Developed by “theFindLab” - which is really rare for me as I’ve developed my own. But — the rolls really started to pile up and I used the quick but pay thru the nose option.

This was the same week of which my Mother in-law was bucked off of a horse and broke 13 ribs. She’s lucky to have survived - but - that’s a whole other story.